
Ozone in Medicine

Dr. Sunnen is the author of several patents on the use of oxygen/ozone gas mixtures in medicine. In 1997, he became president and director of research of Medizone International, Inc., a public company dedicated to their R&D for the treatment of selected viral diseases, and therapy therapy of wounds. In 2005, he founded Ozonics, LLC, a company centered on advancing ozone-based technologies in wound resolution applied to human and veterinary conditions. 

Gerard’s interest in wound healing grew during his service in the U.S. Air Force when servicemembers came back from combat theaters. Despite all medical advances, wounds of all types continue to plague humanity, especially chronic types due to diabetes and vascular conditions. All too often they lead to devastating limb amputations.

Ozone’s remarkable antimicrobial properties are used worldwide to counter this problem. Ozonics aims to develop its patents for this mission. Gerard serves a consultant to companies seeking to develop oxygen technologies in a variety of fields, medical and industrial.    

For more information check out: Ozoneinmedicine.com

Article: Ozone Enters its Age of Enlightenment: Ozone therapies today, and tomorrow. 

Article: COVID-19, MERS, SARS and Other Emerging Viruses: Theoretical Considerations and a Proposal